《世界十大电子游戏平台》邀请了多位演讲嘉宾, 面板, 研讨会, 以及来自整个科技行业的信息会议. 技术重点 increases exposure of students to a range of careers and considerations in the industry, 同时提供 雇主的合作伙伴 有机会与十大电竞游戏综合排名优秀的学生群体交流.
The series aims to share practical information with students about the ins and outs of pursuing work in tech (including both technical and non-technical roles), while also engaging in conversations about important issues facing (and faced by 行业内的个人. 学生 benefit from direct contact with practitioners and talent professionals, 同时也相互联系,建立一种群体感. 技术重点 concludes with a reception for student and employer participants in the program.
的问题 技术重点 可以直接发送到 BeyondBarnard@antirungkat.net.
2024年春季 Tech FOCUS Series Kick Off | Friday, January 26, 12:00pm - 12:45pm
考虑在科技行业工作? 从初创公司到规模扩大到“大型科技公司”,我们将全面探索. Learn about typical internships and entry level roles (both technical and non-technical), 招聘流程和时间表, 以及在科技行业工作的回报和挑战.
Tech FOCUS is a series of events this semester with companies from across the tech sector. Each event in the series will give students a chance to connect and hear from company insiders sharing information on hiring trends, 如何创建一个强大的应用程序, 以及如何在行业中茁壮成长, 还有问问题.
技术焦点:高盛信息会议-工程领域的女性 | 3月22日,周五,下午1:00 - 2:00
At Goldman Sachs, we believe who you are makes you better at what you do. 对我们来说, 这一切都是为了把好奇的人聚集在一起, collaborative and have the drive to make things possible for our clients and communities. 我们的工程组织, 由我们的工程部组成, 全球战略集团, 和其他部门的工程团队, 为行业中一些最复杂的问题构建解决方案. 从自动交易到数据管理, risk analysis to safeguarding information and promoting environmental sustainability, our commitment to best-in-class technology provides Goldman Sachs with a competitive edge. 感兴趣? Come meet Goldman Sachs Engineers as they share perspective on their career, 深入了解他们的日常工作生活, and hear more about the importance of increasing female representation and 多样性 in technology.
技术重点: The Good, the Bad and the In-between of Working for a Start-up | 3月22日,周五,下午5:30 - 6:30
考虑在初创公司实习或工作? 想知道如何理解外面的一切? 加入我们与路德维希·皮埃尔·舒尔茨的信息会议, Managing Partner at Alumni Ventures and a venture capitalist who has seen it all – or most of it anyway. Schulze will share strategies on effectively assessing the start-up sector, 为管理招聘过程提供建议, 并提供表演技巧, 学习, 并在创业环境中茁壮成长.
技术焦点:五环资讯会 | 四月十日(星期三)下午五时至六时
Join Five Rings on campus for an opportunity to learn about our history, 我们员工生活中的一天, 也是我们公司的独特之处. 您还将了解我们即将到来的实习机会. 五环是一家在纽约设有办事处的自营交易公司, 伦敦和阿姆斯特丹, 以结合战略的愿景成立, 创新和技术在当今的全球市场中取得成功. 我们在团队中工作-软件开发人员, Quantitative 研究ers and Quantitative Traders - continuously designing and optimizing.
Special Thanks to 高盛工程 for Sponsoring Technology Focus in 2022年秋季!
数据学院(11月6日,星期三. 2; 5:00-6:00 pm EST)
走上数据可视化职业生涯的正确轨道. 在本届会议上, entrepreneur and head coach of The Data School New York Ann Jackson will introduce students to Tableau, a powerful data visualization software used by many of the world's largest companies. 在几分钟内, students will start "breaking down" large datasets to uncover the insights hidden within. Ann will also introduce students to an opportunity to join The Data School, 有机会在她的指导下有偿学习四个月, followed by placement as a data visualization consultant at major US corporations. 欢迎所有学位背景的人! We encourage students to bring their laptops to the event for the activity portion.
Veeva(11月11日星期二. 15; 5:30-7:00pm EST)
在求职过程中,你想要的不仅仅是薪水吗? Are you excited to bring meaning to your individual purpose at your future company, while at the same time having a job that gives you the freedom to live your life the way you want? 进入Veeva. Veeva is dedicated to building careers of new university graduates and is one of the leaders in corporate social responsibility within tech. We don't just talk the talk - we also walk the walk by providing employees with flexible work environments, 拥抱股本, 多样性, 可持续发展的努力, and giving employees funds to donate to the organizations of their choice within their communities. 来了解一下Veeva一代是如何做到这一切的! 听听现任工程师的意见, 咨询顾问, and analysts about what it's like to work at Veeva and how they feel like they're making a real impact through their work.
伦理与科技校友座谈会(11月3日,星期三. 16; 5:00-6:15pm EST)
的问题 the role that ethics plays with respect to technological advances have grown more urgent as tech continues to reshape our interactions with one another and our understanding about ourselves. 防止资料私隐/滥用个人资料, 对网络安全, 包容性设计, 数据透明度, and the implications of artificial intelligence — and so much in between — stakeholders across industry, 政府, 高等教育, and advocacy spaces have important roles to play in these complex conversations. Join a distinguished panel of Barnard alums working at the intersection of tech and ethics, 由萨马·阿赫塔尔主持, 瓦格洛斯计算科学中心副主任. 我们将讨论道德、技术、职业道路以及你的问题!
校友在谷歌与十大电竞游戏综合排名校友聊天 业务方面 (周五,11月. 18; 12:00-1:00pm EST)
追求“科技领域的非技术角色”是什么意思?? Barnard 女校友 from a wide range of business-based roles at Google will be available to meet with students in small groups and answer questions about their roles, 的职业道路, 以及在谷歌的经历. 无论你处于职业规划的哪个阶段, conversations with alumnae can offer you insights and advice as you take your next steps.
LinkedIn 101(11月11日星期三. 30; 5:00-6:00pm EST)
加入我们的LinkedIn 101:释放职业机会, 由十大电竞游戏综合排名校友主持,后来成为领英专业人士, Keren Baruch (Director of Product) and Ciana Montero (Business Leadership Program Associate). 在一起, 他们会回答现场提问, 以及如何建立你的个人品牌, 构建网络, 抓住机遇, 都在一个平台上.
校内会议(12月11日星期四. 1; 5:30-6:30pm EST)
了解在金融服务公司从事技术工作意味着什么. 高盛工程 recruiter will share recruiting initiatives and timeline and Engineers will showcase an example of a team’s UX process with a UI demo.
现场@高盛(12月11日星期五. 2; 11:00am-12:30pm EST)
Join 高盛工程 employees and recruiters at their office to hear more about the various job functions and the importance of increasing female representation and 多样性 in technology. Following this discussion, students and employees will have time to network.